Fun Toys That Also Give Physical Exercise to Kids

We are asked, “I’d like to encourage my youngster to move around more without suggesting to them, that they need exercise. What kind of toys do you have that are fun and encourage physical activity?”

Kids who play with other kids tend to be more physically active than are children who do not have friends to play with. If other kids aren’t around, parents should take the lead, and encourage simple activities like dancing, ask for a game of freeze tag in the yard, or take the family to the park to play on the swings or climb a tree. There are hundreds of ways to families, parents and kids to have fun that involve physical activity at the same time.

Set of 50 Easy Stand Dominoes from TAG Toys

As a last resort, where no other kids are around and parents are dragged in different directions by travel or work, there are toys available that children can play with, which encourage physical movement, even if the child is alone during the playtime. Toys like the Stand Up Domino Collection from TAG Toys, encourages walking around, bending over and crawling between domino’s while setting them up for the eventual cascading knock over.

Other toys like TAG Toys Hollow Blocks and Ring Toss Games (Number Ring Toss and Word Ring Toss) also encourage physical activity. These games are entertaining for kids who are all alone, and even more fun when played with friends and family members.

TAG Toys is an environmentally friendly family-run business making wood Toys in the USA. If you are looking for a gift for a girl or a boy TAG Toys has great toys for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Birthdays. Please visit

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