by Larry Mestyanek, Ph.D. – President, TAG Toys, Inc. Early intervention with an autistic child has proven to be the most promising approach for stimulating normal development. Like all infants and toddlers the primary source for stimulating physical and mental development for an autistic child is through the basic senses of seeing, hearing, touching and […]
We are asked, “Are there any toys that can simultaneously help teach my kids and also give them physical exercise at the same time?” Educational games that have physical components are well grounded in multi-sensory learning theory, which suggests that as more relevant dimensions (sight, hearing, tactile, physical involvement) are added to a learning experience […]
We are asked, “I’d like to encourage my youngster to move around more without suggesting to them, that they need exercise. What kind of toys do you have that are fun and encourage physical activity?” Kids who play with other kids tend to be more physically active than are children who do not have friends […]
We are asked, “We are redecorating our recreation room to be a play-room for the kids, what kind chalkboards do you have?” TAG Toys has several different chalkboards, stand-up easels, and dry erase boards that are designed for use by kids in schools & Montessori’s, day care centers as well as in kids own rooms […]