Toys that Teach, Entertain and Give Kids Exercise

We are asked, “Are there any toys that can simultaneously help teach my kids and also give them physical exercise at the same time?”

Educational games that have physical components are well grounded in multi-sensory learning theory, which suggests that as more relevant dimensions (sight, hearing, tactile, physical involvement) are added to a learning experience the higher the retention of details and the understanding of the material will be.

When a learning experience can be brought to life with a game there is another dimension (fun) that is also introduced. Games like the Number Ring Toss from TAG Toys is an exciting activity that can help teach kids about basic numbers, and help them develop skills with numbers, counting and basic math.

Number Ring Toss from TAG Toys

Ring toss number games are played by adding or subtracting numbers won by tossing the ring over different pegs, and activities like this are easy so everyone in the family can participate. Variations on the game like can be created that allow parents to introduce kids to different mathematical concepts like multiplication and division which can be introduced during ring-toss games as bonus rounds or penalty throws.

TAG Toys is an eco-friendly family-run business making educational Toys for children in the USA. If you are looking for a gifts for babies, toddlers or children TAG Toys has great toys for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Birthdays. Please visit

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